Sunday, February 15, 2015

Impeccability of word


I think we are social beings…
through and through.
The brain needs stimulation from others to develop ideas…
test theories…
center it.
The body responds to others subconsciously.
We need to be in communion with others.
Not with everyone we meet…
but some resonate with us…
we feel immediately comfortable with them…
and we begin friendships.

After my horse died my reiki healer told me that he has been with me in a previous life. That was why we recognized each other at that barn on the first day we met. I wonder how many times each day or week that happens to us? It is a fascinating idea.

I get headaches like that occasionally. They usually last 3 days…as this one did. They make me sick for the duration, but I push through and continue to do my daily tasks. I believe that this one started with my new job. The chair and height of the computer screen are different than what I am used to. That strains my neck and I end up with spasm. This has been happening since I was a med student, but became a real problem after I had my last child. He was so big, at 6 month he weighed 20 lbs, and I had to support all that while I carried him while caring for 3 others. I started seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist and saw them for years. Over the past 2 years I have a deep tissue massage every other week. She spends an hour on my upper back…and I still have problems. My reiki healer tells me the spasms are centered around my "trauma & drama" centers…more on the female than male side…you can interpret that anyway you'd like.

It is so cold here…they just cancelled husband's church service.
I am going to brunch with my daughters today. We are going to the Hershey Hotel to celebrate daughter#2's birthday. The oldest is meeting us there. I am looking forward to it.

I picked up The Four Agreements today. I read the first agreement…Be impeccable with your word. It is a good reminder of speaking and receiving from a place of love and acceptance. It gave examples of spells we place onto others by our words. Telling someone they can't sing, or they are stupid, or ugly…fat, dumb and ugly…
Those are the spells, created by words, that influence our actions and choices.
The older client I have written about repeatedly says, "I'm stupid"…
I stop her and ask her to re-phrase that…
I explain that our words drive our actions and that there is power there.
She laughs at me…
laughs at the one trying to re-program the thought patterns…
She tells me that her mom, foster- parents, everyone has told her that, so it must be true.
Who am I to argue?
But, I do argue…
not really argue…
but I challenge the belief…
over and over again.
We have many thoughts, placed in our heads many years ago, that need to be challenged.
"You're to be seen and not heard"
" Who could ever love a fat bitch like you?"
"Why should I take time to teach you sewing, cooking, piano, etc? You're going to be a doctor anyway."(Insinuating that I would be less than a woman if I became a doctor)
What are some of the word-spells that you've been placed under?

Love and Light my beautiful sister,

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