Sunday, February 22, 2015


Point taken - I am out of the loop. I made assumptions about which son was angry.  And you just posted the agreement about not making assumptions.  Obviously not my favorite of the four agreements. But maybe it should be...

We have a water emergency here.  Broken pipes somewhere in the walls.  My middle kid will be here soon to help me locate and remedy. In the meantime, I am tired - the initial outpouring was at about 2:00 am.  The baby spent the night with me, and so she was unhappy at the disruptions and commotion in the middle of the night. After she left, nephew and I started exploring.  And the following investigations have left me a little soggy!

Sometimes I think your youngest is living in the wrong time. He has a warrior spirit and nothing to joust with. He needs a challenge, it seems from here.  My youngest told me a story about babysitting your red-headed wonder, and saying no to a request - for something, I don't remember.  He pulled a BB gun on her and threatened her. She laughed in his face.  She has brothers that make him look - simple.  They never pulled weapons on each other, although they did spend a lot of time perfecting a catapult, then tried to launch her in it. She was cooperating until I intervened with the big Mommy "NO!"  And one of them shot their dad's windshield with a BB gun and the BB ricocheted and caused a trickle of blood on the other's head.

So the BB gun was more of a joke to her than a threat...

But that was quite a reaction to "No."

She said that after she laughed, they became friends - equals - I guess there was mutual respect.

What are the coolest, homiest things about your home?  What do you all seem to love most?

I'm not sure if any of us got it right. Mine are okay here, and they were happy to be with family as teenagers. But I wish we spent more time together now.  We all get so busy, extended family takes a lower and lower priority.  I guess this is the change where we have gone from an immediate family, to an extended family. It is probably harder than I realized because I don't have a partner.  Rather than that second honeymoon, I get to babysit or enjoy my solitude.

Luckily, I enjoy both.  But there is not enough balance.

Gonna get my seed catalogs, nestle close to the woodstove and await my rescuer!

Love and hugs,


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