Monday, February 23, 2015



I think that "wrong era" thing has happened to a lot of us. I have a friend who would have been a great pioneer farmer. He's strong and quiet, and is happiest when he is physically laboring. I think I would have made a good frontier woman…but I would probably have gotten myself into trouble because I am outspoken.
Yes, my youngest is a warrior. He wants to learn mixed-martail arts- basically karate and boxing combined. We've discussed this before. We found him a program that was about discipline and respect for the art…but he wanted full contact- let's beat the shit out of each other- activity. I cannot allow that kind of violence. I'm worried about concussion and brain injury.

My older son did not come all weekend. When he returned last evening I asked him what it is about us or the house that drives him away. He couldn't articulate it. He tried- but couldn't find the words. He was up, dressed and ready for school this morning and, when I returned from dropping the younger off, he was back in bed. I asked if it is fear of growing up or depression? He's not sure. We're going to have to make another change in his schooling. He has gone to school once a week for the past month (we've had a lot of snow days) he skips the rest. He hates going into that building. He dislikes the teachers and most of the other students. I don't think he likes even himself at this point. Hold him in the Light.

As for the question about prior abuse. I have asked- he's denied it. I know that doesn't mean it isn't true.  All I can do is to remain open to him…and wait for him to share.

So, did you find anything good in the seed catalogue? What are you growing this spring?
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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