Monday, February 2, 2015



What a morning…
we are in a band of freezing rain right now…
on top of about 2 inches of snow…
not the 8 to 12 they've predicted.
My phone is going off consistently with group messages from both of my jobs about canceling or delaying…
it's not a peaceful snow day.
Luckily, my only real commitment today is an appointment with my healer…
I will try to make it but know that I can cancel without any issues.

My favorite SPICES is Equality.
I think that if we truly live in equality the rest will follow.
If we believe that we are on this earth to live interdependently with all of the other humans and species then we will live in peace and trust the abundance of the earth. We will love and trust the intentions of the other beings. We will live and trust ourselves. Equality is recognizing that of God in every being and in all of creation. Equality is respect, honoring the dignity of others.

I don't think that equality means that every being has to have equal shares of everything. Remember mom cutting a gallon of ice cream into 12 squares? Everyone had to have and equal share to avoid fighting. But there was always that one, extra square.
Do you remember when she would go to the commissary and bring back Cracker Jacks as a treat for each of us? But, B#2's allergy wouldn't allow him to eat those- so he got Fiddle Faddle…
why is he special?
Why does he get something different?
I realize that this is my little girl's brain's recollections…but it is a simplified view of our world. Why do the poor people, lazy as they are, get welfare when we have to work to support them? Why are they special? Why do huge corporations get corporate welfare, "tax incentives" when we work hard for them? It's the comparison that gets to us.
The answer to comparison is connection.
If we can see the true need…
we generously share what we have.

Another cog in the wheel is that we have been taught from a place of fear. Belief in scarcity, we don't trust abundance. Hoarding and greed stem from this. If there's not going to be enough for everyone I'd better hide some so that my future will be safer. I love the stories from the Nazi camps where prisoners shared what they had. I believe it was in Viktor Frankl's book that he shared stories about sharing and supporting others in the bleakest of times.
Trust is challenging.
Trust undermines all that we've been taught.
Trust undermines those 10 Commandments…
A trusting God doesn't have to command our presence at worship or devotion solely to him…
those would naturally stem from the love and appreciation of its creations.
"Praise precedes faith"…
not sure who said that, but I remember reading it in a Matthew Fox book.
Trusting men wouldn't have to place protections on their stuff…
including their women…
protections that, if broken, earn you eternal damnation…
or at least a long time in purgatory.
The garbage we were fed as children permeates our thoughts and our behaviors.

Equality helps me to break free of that trap.
Equality helps me to know that the Creator loves me and wants relationship with me.
Equality helps me to trust in the abundance.

And yet, I struggle everyday…
so life goes on.

I am sorry about your friend's death. I hope that you are finding some comfort in the memories of shared times together. I am holding you int he Light.

I look forward to hearing about your favorite testimony.
Love and Light my beautiful sister,

I found these and thought you might like to see it…
Violence against women- it's a men's issue
The slut, the spinster and the perfect woman

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