Monday, March 2, 2015



I have the scan this afternoon, I'll keep you posted.

My son opted for finishing on Virtual School- it's the cyber alternative to attending our district. They've made some accommodations so that he can graduate on time, if he consistently does the work. I hope that he can set up a routine that allows him to complete all of this by June. I've offered my assistance, but told him I wouldn't impose unless he asks.
He seems lighter, more laughter and conversation came out of him this weekend than in the entire month prior. He knows it's going to suck to not see people every day, but I believe this is a good way for him to finish.

I've talked to him about getting a job or hobby to fill his time and stretch himself…he listens, but nothing sparks him right now. Maybe when the weather breaks he will pull out his camera again.

I had another battle with the younger son this weekend. I found more drug-related garbage in his room and he has no remorse. He asked for his allowance for March and blew up when I told him he wasn't getting it. If he spends allowance on drugs there is no allowance. It was uncomfortable, but we managed to negotiate a contract for behaviors and consequences that we could all agree on. I hope this helps.

More snow yesterday, and they're predicting more again on Tuesday and Thursday. I love this, but am worried about the animals. I have deer eating my holly bushes. I've kept the bird feeders full, and left apples for the deer. I should probably pick up corn or something to put in the yard so they don't starve. Any suggestions?

My dog had another seizure last night, that's 2 in a week. She had blood coming from her mouth with this one- that's never happened before. She is getting so weak in her back legs, it's especially noticeable after a seizure. I will have to take her back to the vet to see if there's anything else we can do.

Come to this space when you can. I will check in daily to see what you're up to. Take care of your girls and yourself as you progress through the surgery and recovery.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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