Saturday, March 14, 2015

The dolphins are back


Thanks for the writings. I appreciate your diligence and perseverance. We are having a relaxed and fun time. We have been laughing out loud…and it feels good.

We saw the dolphins twice yesterday. Both sightings were in the afternoon. S#5 and I were walking and a pod of 4 or 5. They were swimming as a single, then double then single. They were very close to the shore. S#5 and I watched in amazement. I had been singing in the morning and didn't see them, but our laughter brought them to us. The second sighting was from the top deck…they were frolicking back that either direction.

I've been able to get out and walk here…
my foot does not hurt…
my muscles are feeling the exercise- which is good.
I hope to use this to jump-start daily walking back home with my dogs.

I've had a headache since the first morning after I woke up. My neck is really easily triggered into spasm by different beds and pillows. We spent an hour at the island spa, and I had a massage. This helped for a while, but the headache is still with me. Sometimes I just have to wait out 3 days until it subsides.

We've had some great discussions down here…political, spiritual, parenting, professional.
It's really interesting to just allow the free flow of ideas to direct the path. I've learned a lot, and had a few moments when I "conveyed" a message to one of the others…for instance, S#3 was talking about life as a maze where she wanders sometimes lost…and I had this leading to say, " Where are your eyes? Are you focused on the ground where everything looks the same or on the sky where you can use the sun and stars for direction?".

Where are our eyes? What do we focus on? What is our source of guidance?
It should be the inner voice, but too often it is an external force. Too often we relinquish our power and choice to an other.

It's rainy today. I started out for a walk early this morning, and it was raining after the first quarter of a mile. I finished the 3 miles, wet to the skin…
now I am chilled and can't seem to get warm. We took a ride around the island to buy a few things for family members and I got chilled again.

I'm going to join the others. Tomorrow is travel day so I will check back in on Monday. I am holding your family in the Light, healing energy to all of you, especially your youngest.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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