Friday, March 20, 2015

will it?

Hi Sweet  Sister,

How was your day? Did you get a snow day? We got a dusting.  The wind was the worst part of the day.

Thinking about transformation.  I think we can prepare, but I don't think we can will it to happen.  As I wrote that, I realized it would be the epitome of being trapped in yellow chakra. Hold onto your faith.  Changes come in their right time.

Think about the butterfly. I suppose refusal to cocoon means death.  But cocooning leads to transformation, and when it is time, something new unfolds...

So we had a total eclipse on equinox during a supermoon, and amid a solar storm.  This may be why we are all cranky. 

Usually during an eclipse I get hit with something new.  So far, nothing to report here. 

I started reading Zebras Don't Get Ulcers.  I've also been reading and rereading the Omega catalog.

S#3 and her grandbrood will be here tomorrow.  They've been trying to come since the beginning of February, but bad weather and bad health have kept them home.  Tomorrow, though, I'll get a bit of family love!

My oldest and her dad are visiting the west-coasters.  I asked for lots and lots of pictures.  They will be home next week...

Not much going on here.  Long day, and maybe I'm just a touch Fridayed out...end of the brain dead.  I'll check in tomorrow morning, and maybe my brain will have revived.  No alarm at 5 am is such a gift!

Hugsand love,


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