Saturday, March 7, 2015

it's a philosophical thing

Good morning!

I am glad you are debugged. I was thinking about the song "Dancing By Myself" when you said you might be absent for a while.

I knew S#3 had a house full of pukers, including herself - on her birthday.  She has been planning to come here and visit every weekend for weeks.  But with the weather, and now this virus, we haven't seen her. I think she will be well enough to go to the island with you.  I will be there in spirit, which is not as much fun.  Is S#5 still coming?  I haven't seen anything to the contrary...

My oldest son called last night. There is a fabulous job opening for my daughter-in-law in the east.  She has never been turned down for a position request, so they could be in western North Carolina in just a few months.  Now we're talking long weekends at home, and a much easier time getting to each other.  My son was elated. They had just made some decisions and changes, and are on a seemingly good path.  This will make that better, I hope.

I think the confusing part of my cortisol logic is that I am not thinking like a physician. I don't know enough about hormones and their interactions.  I am thinking more like a philosopher.  I read that cortisol overload causes certain problems - mostly associated with aging.  I got interested in the idea, and found that stress causes an increase in cortisol, as do most of our preferred addictive substances.  Then I related that to our need to maintain the homey feelings we were raised with - chaos, loneliness, separation, low value. It all seems to fit on that philosophical level.  I know we need an endocrinologist to focus in on specifics. I really think we need to address all of this imbalance both physically and emotionally.  And we need to do things that create a strong spiritual connection to each other, to the planet, within ourselves.

So if I were to try to help people, including myself, I would be using the philosophical approach. I would ask an expert for the physical/medical side of healing.

I'm glad your heel is an ordinary problem with a natural fix.  Go for nice long walks in the sand.  We are going to have temperatures above freezing every day this week.  One night, the temperature will also stay above freezing. I'm so excited  (another song for the day!!)  Our February was the coldest ever recorded.  It was been so long and brutal. I have gone days without leaving the house.  The wind is just too much.  Now, maybe we can start to thaw...maybe there will be basking in my near future!

I only work three days this week.  My daughter's surgery will be Thursday.  I will be on baby-duty a lot until I return to work the next Tuesday.  Then I will have her after work and until dinner or bedtime at my daughter's house. Boyfriend and I will be synchronizing schedules.  And nephew will be filling in the gaps.  Part of me is whining, just a little tiny bit...I wanted to go to the island...Oh well, we'll go back again next March. I know there will be daffodils and dolphins!

Have a wonderful Saturday!


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