Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hidden meanings

It is funny how patterns repeat themselves…
even when we are consciously trying to end them.

The workshop was good, not fabulous. She spent the day on the 4 survival archetypes: child, saboteur, victim and prostitute. She didn't have us pull our archetypes as suggested in the book. 3 of us had already done that when we read it, the fourth person hadn't read the book, but he does a lot of this woman's workshops. I wish I could have refreshed my chart, I could only remember that prostitute had been in my 'highest potential' space on the wheel. We discussed the four archetypes, how they look, both their light and shadow sides, how they reside in your chakras, even how they are affected by your astrological sign. It was interesting, but not extremely coherent. I didn't get a good sense of who I am from that perspective during the workshop. I came to appreciate the light sides of each of the four, at least I was able to identify positive aspects of each…child = self-empowerment, prostitute = integrity, victim = vulnerability, and saboteur = tools for distraction.
She is doing an intro to Shamanism in April if you want to try that one.

I am glad that you are sharing your story with your youngest. She has, at times, idealized her Dad. She seems to really want him to step up and really be a dad. Then she's disappointed when he can't live up to those expectations.

I was responsible for opening exercises this morning for Meeting, representing the environmental concerns committee. I read a piece by Liberty Bailey Hyde, from Ithaca, NY (1849 - 1952) about the relationship of created man to the rest of creation (earth). The last line of the piece was something like, we must accept it all or reject it all…meaning creation and environmental stewardship. A woman spoke late in the hour about relating that line to her inner life…and accepting difficult emotions and circumstances as part of life…or the alternative is to 'check out' emotionally or totally. I spoke with her after and thanked her, because she reminded me that in my dealings with my boys I need to stay present to all of the emotions and issues that arise…to be fully present so that none of us 'checks out'…that's how we will weather this period of time.

It is funny how the message I needed was hidden within my own message, unpacked by another. Meeting is so good sometimes.

Love and Light,

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