Sunday, January 26, 2014


 But the tragedy is that people use shared resources selfishly and destroy them.  Therefore we need to have private ownership and governmental control. 

The issue is ownership, instead of stewardship. If we assume responsibility for resources, with the intention of passing it on to the next generation in the same, or better condition, then everyone benefits.
It is the mentality of scarcity…once we see scarcity…instead of enough we hoard…overvalue…worry…become ego-centric. When we have the mentality of abundance…or enough…we share…allow cooperation…encourage community…coordinate our efforts. So, I think that they are looking at the issue with blinders on.

What a great course. I wonder if I could still get into it?

Today was calm, so much calmer than last week. Son#1 has decided it is better to remain and serve out his grounding rather than having perpetual grounding…in his own words, "I gotta get free of you." That is the most sensible thing he's said all month. What a challenging month this has been. I have experienced a lot…learned a lot…felt an awful lot.
We had a long talk last evening about, not only the legalities of smoking pot and underage drinking…but, more importantly the behaviors that have blown up around them to cover his tracks. The lying, stealing, running away, disrespect, poor school performance, etc are as, if not more, concerning to us. I think he gets it. 
We went to the mountain today. The boys snowboarded for a few hours. It is so good for them to get out and get a natural thrill/high. 

I have noticed that since the Reiki lady has been working on the trauma centers, especially the male ones, I have been really negative towards men in my life. I am trying to sort it out from PMS…but I really am struggling to deal with all of the men in my life. I have low frustration tolerance, am avoiding any physical contact, even to the point of feeling repulsed by physical contact…I am wondering how long this is going to last…how long can I pretend to be fully present when I want to flee? I feel really strange saying this…but I don't know who else to say it to. Anyway…at least I can see a cause and effect…and am not thinking I am 'losing it'.

Until tomorrow,
Love and Light,

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