Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ground Hog Day musing

I appreciate you showing up everyday…
even if it isn't profound…
it's building trust and teaching dependability.
I truly appreciate your presence.

The furnace finally was fixed about 4:30 today. So it was off for a little over a day. Thank God for log walls- very good insulators- and hot flashes. I actually had at least one episode last night when I wanted to throw off my covers. I put my feet out and that was enough to quickly cool me off and then remind me of our lack of heat. We do have a gas fireplace that we ran through the whole time that kept us in the mid-50's. The temperature is climbing and I am comfy again.

So, I have been assigned opening exercises for Meeting this coming First Day. I am musing on ground hog's day. I have two ideas:
First, I have always been confused by the irony that if it is a sunny day the groundhog is frightened by the light and retreats for 6 more weeks. If it's overcast and nasty he predicts an early spring. If we, as humans, see the Light are we frightened into a longer period of darkness? Is it a period of contemplation and rest…or wasted time in the darkness? What if we stepped out bravely into the Light and shed winter early? Is a long winter vital to our growth and journey…or is it a place of hiding and fear?

Second, spoofing off the movie Ground Hog Day, how many y times have we (personally and as a society) relived the same types of experiences, retrying different responses and reactions, until we eventually find love and connection. Like war- how many times do we have to wage war on others until we see that it is futile and creating coalitions become our norm? Like exploitation of other humans, historical slavery and the present day human trafficking…Like the civil rights movement, defining blacks as inferior until they finally demanded equality, now the current immigration arguments…we need to define "us" and "them"so that we can define our comfort zone and identify our enemies…whether they are black, Hispanic, from the Middle- East…The common denominator in all of these is the continuous disconnect…and trying to find connections…seeing others as equals…seeing that divine spark in all.

I have also been listening to Pete Seeger music today…maybe sing a few of his songs also. The Quakers will love singing them.

What do you think? Any guidance or gut reaction?

I had to postpone my Reiki appointment until next Tuesday. I am disappointed, because I feel as if there is something big that needs to happen. I also wonder if I am supposed to facilitate that on my own…see if I can redirect my own energy. Maybe I am depending upon her talents and gifts, at the expense of developing my own…it's easier to use her gifts…but not sustainable.

I hope that you have a wonderful evening,

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