Friday, January 3, 2014

bumps in the road

Just a quick note…
we are going out…
son#1 is going with us.
I still have to go to the workshop alone, but at leaf tonight we can be together.
My strategy is to keep him active, outside…
he seems so much more balanced and calm…
so today I took him to the mountain and let him snowboard for a few hours.
It seems to be working.

So last night I was washing my face and realized our water wasn't getting hot…
I went down to investigate the reason and found that the exhaust pipe from the oil burner had dislodged and the unit shut down…
thank God because we could have been breathing exhaust all day/night…
it took quite a while to reconnect it…
and then I was afraid it would come apart again and we would died of carbon monoxide poisoning…eventually I fell asleep…

this morning husband was snowplowing the driveway…
hit a metal wrench someone had left out and broke the chain…
so my oldest and I went out to shovel at 9 am and at 10 degrees. We were working when she noticed the neighbors having their driveway plowed and went up and asked the gentleman if he would also do ours…
he showed up a few minutes later and helped us out…
what a good neighbor.

Can this holiday season have any more "bumps in the road"?
I am calm and handling everything so far…that is good.

I will let you know about the workshop when I return.
Love and Light.

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