Saturday, December 28, 2013

TED insights

I had a chance to listen to the TED talk you recommended - The Power of One Story.  I enjoyed it, and it made me think a lot about stereotypes.  It also reminded me that there is always more than one truth.  But I also had a feeling that it would be amazing to get not only our generation/our sibling's stories, but also the aunts' and uncles' and grandparents' and their siblings.  I thought of Grammy's brother, Uncle A, who disappeared for most of his life, came "home" when he was old, came home to die.  And he insisted that there be no funeral, no service.  There's part of our pattern - I am not worthy, even of a funeral.

Because I enjoy TED so much, and because it makes great background for doing housework, I also listened to Depression:  The Secret We Share and How Schools Kill Creativity.  The talk about depression was eye-opening.  It made me think of us, our sibling group.  The speakers proposes that the opposite of depression is vitality.  He talked a lot about meds and family patterns.  I always come back to violation - it is the root of depression and well as of violent behavior.  We have wondered occasionally about why some abusers abuse while others don't.  Perhaps those who do not become abusers are depressed.  I was wondering what a depressed person would be like if they had never faced violation.  I think they/we might be the analyzers who figure oiut the world, who understand the big picture...Maybe.

Because when I watched the talk about education, the speaker said our minds, our brains, our intelligence is strip mined for one commodity - basically left brain thinking.  We are also trained up to obedience, which strongly entails not thinking for oneself.

It all makes a big picture. 

I don;t know...

It's late, and I am tired.  I will check in tomorrow...

Love from Clare

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