Monday, November 11, 2013

cycle forward

I had a day off!  Maybe my first since September...or maybe before.  I got lots done, which makes me feel a little more relaxed.

I know we would say I am touching on the difference between male and female.  I know that women cycle, and men push forward.  I know that when we work together, we cycle forward, correctly and humanely.

I just hate referring to the difference as male and female.  Maybe because I have sons.  But I have known very gentle men, who do not embody this notion we have of male.

I almost prefer seeing it as the difference between war-monger and pacifist.  I know we could argue this, and both be right.  But it does come down to whether we value competitiveness or cooperativeness.

I have tried, at times in the past, to ride my mouth of all military or violent vocabulary.  It is really hard.  It is like second nature to say,  "I'm going to kill you..." when someone threatens to throw us a party or tell the world it is our birthday.

My daughter read me an article today.  I don't know if it was a hoax, since she was reading from a social media site.  But apparently Texas is going to allow medical research and experimentation on violent sexual offenders who have been imprisoned for life.  All I could think is - they finish their lives as victims, just as the began their lives.  I also thought of Nazis placing relative value on human lives, making it okay to experiment on Jewish people, or brown-eyed people, or gay know, the subhuman among us.

Had a very vivid dream last night, that I was getting married.  The colors were vivid, almost like I was walking in a piece of art. And so the strange dreams continue.  Maybe because we are approaching yet another eclipse - always a trying time for me.

It is bed-time here.  I'll check in tomorrow and see how you have been, and what inspiration has brightened your Light!

I love you - Clare

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