Friday, November 15, 2013

Change in perspective

Confession....I had to look up jettison because my understanding of the word confused your sentence...but, the definition of lightening one's load in order to progress makes a lot of sense.

I once read an idea that changed the whole Ten Commandment thing for me...
The author referred to them as commitments, which, if you are practicing them, indicate and direct spiritual maturation. I read that and no longer felt eternally damned for breaking a commandment. I can commit myself to those principles without fear of failure and the repercussions that stem from that failure.

I like the idea of cooperation not requiring currency...but my first though is What if the talents we share are not equal in value? What if my gifts are viewed as inferior to yours? Do I have to give you more or do we support each other to the best of our abilities? I am playing devils advocate...but those questions did pop into my mind...I have been overly-socialized.

May I ask why you question what is wrong with you, rather than thinking something more gentle? You related the Christmas story as a failure. Perhaps you wanted to share something that you really enjoy with B#3 because you already had the book and because you are generous. It isn't graceless to would have been graceless to call him a moron and expect that he already knew you would have a book on the subject. We are too harsh and judgmental towards ourselves. We think we are never good enough...but we are! This is where that tattoo is necessary, I Am Enough. SOmewhere that we can see it and be reminded frequently.

I am meeting two friends at Hawk Mountain in half an hour. They have never been there. I told them it is one of my favorite places. Now I am slightly anxious...what if they don't like it as much as I do? We've missed the fall foliage so it may not be as spectacular today. Oh well, I will go and find the beauty in whatever the day brings.

I love you.
Love and Light,

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