Friday, December 26, 2014

The second day of Christmas...


That is an unexpected gift…
making peace with the past is huge…
especially with someone who means so much in your life.
What a blessing.
Weddings, funerals and babies…
Now that sounds like a full year or two.

My Christmas was about letting go of the expectations…
embracing my family and their needs at this point in time…
and enjoying them for who they are.

In the morning we opened gifts…
each one of my children asked to give their gifts before they got their presents from us.
I remarked to them that they really had found the spirit of "it is better to give than to receive".
That made them smile and we all enjoyed the presents as they were opened.
We laughed and told remembrances of past gifts that we remember…
it was great.
My daughters gave me a necklace that has a pink heart and a silver disc with two hearts cut out of the center. They each got a similar necklace with a pink heart and a silver heart on them. The pink is for breast cancer and the silver shows they are cut from my heart. It is really beautiful.
My older son gave me a snow globe music box that says "happiness is to love and to be loved". I told him that as a little girl I was fascinated by music boxes and asked for them for Christmas. I only ever received one that had 3 nuns on it, that I loved.
My youngest gave me amethyst earrings, they are beautiful.
I got earring from husband and some tops to wear. 2 of the tops are from the Hershey Breast Cancer Center. I guess with my new boobs I will be a walking advertisement for their work!
My daughters and I watched a prepared dinner together, watched a movie in the afternoon and played scrabble after dinner. Husband cleaned up all of the wrapping paper and then read on the couch.
I did splurge and eat 2 sweet rolls and had cheese and bread on my onion soup and a glass of wine. Today I am back to the cleanse diet.

My oldest is having difficulty with the changing holiday activities. She wants to hang onto traditions. She was upset that her brothers weren't hungry at dinner and ate almost nothing. She is upset that her sister spent Christmas Eve with her best friend's family- her second family. She is upset that the boys want to spend time with their friends. I listened to her for a while and then gently reminded her of her food preferences and activities when she was an older teen. She would only eat pierogies for many months so I (or she) would include them in the dinner menu daily. She wanted to be with friends or her boyfriend's family at times during the holidays, as she does now. Husband and I talked as we walked yesterday about how the holidays will soon be visits with children, instead of everyone gathered for days. I am OK with that at this point…I may feel differently when it is a reality, but I am easing into it and so far accepting of it.

Tomorrow is the Delana family gathering. I wish you were coming. I know it's too far, but it would be great to have you there. I am praying for patience and an open heart when I interact with B#1. That is the challenge of the day. I am trying to stay open to a reconciliation and healing some newer wounds between us… I am holding that intention in the Light. I will remain open to the unexpected. I will be thinking of you tomorrow as we are gathered. I hope that you have a wonderful day. I will report all that I remember after the visit- hopefully with a positive spin and not from a pessimistic point of view.

Love and Light beautiful sister,
Happy second day of Christmas,

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