Monday, December 8, 2014


Hi Love,

You have a week to heal. All else is secondary.

I wish I lived close by so I could do the cooking and tending and the holding things together so that you could heal...

I haven't considered my Light for the day.  Maybe...maybe it was early this morning. I was working and watching out the window as the sun rose. Before sunrise, a huge, hazy snow moon hung low over the larch and evergreen conifers to the west. Then as the day Lightened, the sky turned rosy. The pink flowed slowly across the southern sky and then splashed the clouds along the western horizon.  Both predict a snowstorm, which is coming tomorrow.  Luckily my daughter has off Wednesday through Friday. We'll all be able to sit out the worst of it...unless of course, it is not as bad as predicted.

I had a dream last night that has been on my mind all day.  I was at school...I sort of realized that I dream about this school frequently.  I am learning my way around, but still get confused easily.  Last night I was looking for a specific room for a specific training.  Someone was with me. It may have been my youngest. We were going down a hall toward where I knew there would be elevators. We sort of found them. but cut around behind to the stairs.  In the process we had to take the hall through someone's apartment, and they were not happy.

We came to the right doorway, and I had to bend down to get through it. I had to stoop to walk.  I saw little people and people in wheelchairs. The next part of the room had a lower ceiling, then lower, until I was expected to lie on my stomach and shimmy through. I thought - "I can't fit through there."  and so I backed out. I wokeup feeling claustrophobic and wondering what all I would have to give up to get through...I think my youngest made it through because I lost track of her, and last I knew she was ahead of me.

It was very unsettling. I think I woke up on purpose, because the claustrophobic feeling was too much to bear. As I started to drift back to sleep, I was returning, and so I stayed awake for a few minutes...

Do you think your older son is reacting to another round of surgery and hospitalization?

You will be in my heart all day tomorrow. I love you...and I will be waiting here.


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