Friday, December 12, 2014

flickering lights everywhere

I'm glad you are having soft days.  It is perfect for this time of year.  I have been taking advantage of our busy season and working really long hours.  I am dazed.  I feel so exhausted, that I am sort of outside of myself, or behind myself. After I write this, I think it will be a warm shower and early bed for me.

Both of my daughter's called today, feeling a little emotional.  That is my Light. They need me, and reach out to me.

I have been trying to decide if I want a Christmas tree this year. I have been trying to decide if I want to get out the creche that belonged to my ex's grandmother.  I am not sure how far I want to go into Christmas this year. But I did decide that I want lots of candles. Maybe it's because I have been thinking about the Light each day. but I suddenly "saw" my little house flickering with candlelight.  It was warm and glowy.   I will probably put up some lights, also.

I like the idea of continuing acts of a play at various wineries.

I have been reading the Carolyn Myss book.  I am not much for praying. In fact, I realized I have a hard time defining prayer. I definitely never participate in the kneel on the floor and fold hands ritual.  But I found and tweaked a prayer she wrote, and want to try to remember it.

My version is approximately:
I send my soul into the Light to serve only good in this situation I feel powerless to change.

I feel like I need to write this and post it on the bedroom wall.

So often, I am not sure how to help.  All I can do is listen and acknowledge.  Is this enough?  Especially with my kids when I love them so passionately...

I love your last post heading...I can be happy, even when things aren't perfect.  If we don't surrender to that point, we will never be happy. Life is never perfect. But there are perfect moments! Those are the mental photographs that keep us living, or at least trying!

I have a committee meeting here with two power Quakers who sink into joined, and take me with them.  One Friend said a perfect committee meeting would be no work, just spending the time in worship.  My first thought!  But after sinking and being bathed in the Light, I think maybe I'll go with the plan!  Unfortunately, there is always business!

I'm back on RE and a trustee for my meeting and on M&C and Youth Activities for the region...There's always business!!

Not sleeping well lately.  I'm not sure why.  But a warm shower, and I'll try again.

Hope you are nestled and snug and enjoying your evening.

Love and hugs,


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