Thursday, January 15, 2015

So far away...

Hi Mags,

I understand your comments about the cousins. They are typical of our extended family. Of the five original sibs, only three are still alive. And they live far away from each other, and really far away from their dad.  It is what we have done. You and S#3 and B#4 all live close, but don't seem to interact much.  Our baby sister is close to the parents now, so there is that new closeness.  And I interact with you regularly, and see S#3 fairly often.

But mostly we all keep a distance between us.

I have had European people note that it is common for Americans to live far away from family.  I always commented that it is because of attending non-local universities then going where there are job options.  Each generation moves. But now I am wondering if we try to get the hell out of Dodge!  We need to be as far away from family as possible to be safe.

I am so pleased that four of my kids feel at home here.  They interact a lot. I tend to be on the outside.  A lot of that is because of my schedule.   But it is also family pattern.  I am glad their generation is trying to heal the patterns.

Part of the reason my oldest son and his wife live so far way is that she doesn't want to be close to family.  And now they have kids who are native west-coasters.  I wonder if we'll ever all be reunited. When they moved, I remembered when Grammy went to live with Aunt T.  I think we had visits from her maybe five times...we went years without seeing her.  I knew that would happen to me and my oldest son. When they left - it was painful.  I still miss him, miss them all...

I like that you are trying on different roles, professionally.  I think it is a wise choice.  And I understand why you want to use relaxation techniques in your awareness group.   Also wise...

Have you seen your healer lately? I haven't heard any stories.

I love you. Thank you for meeting me here every day!


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