Sunday, January 25, 2015

connection direction


Processed is one, or more degrees removed from natural and authentic…
it all comes back to connection…
with the earth and its bounty…
to other humans….
to other species who live interdependently with us…
we live symbiotically to remain healthy…
allowing others to create and nourish us and then paying that forward in some manner.
But- humans have lost that mutualism…
replaced it with individualism…
and conquest…
and exploitation/manipulation.

A few weeks ago I ordered a print for a friend of mine from Meeting. When I saw it I thought of her. She's been exceptionally kind to me and supportive through difficult times. So this morning I put this print into a gift bag and drove to Meeting. The ride there was a ping-pong game in my head.
"She'll think it's creepy that you're giving her a gift"
"I know that she'll appreciate this"
"She's going to feel obligated to return the favor"
"It's a generous action"
Anyway, the voices in my head maintained this battle the 30 minute+ drive to Meeting. I left the gift in the car and decided to consider it later. The print says, "A quiet mind hears to the inner voice".
This woman, my friend, shared a message about her favorite part of Quakerism was believing that there is an inner voice and having that as her guide. She loves hearing that guidance she declared quite emotionally. I knew that the gift was right. It was amazing to see her face when she opened it.
I love synchronicity!

I sat with my older son today and asked him for a new beginning. I explained that I was, once again, pushing him away by my expectations. I was trying to be so supportive of his school success that he ended up avoiding home, studying, and failed. I apologized and told him that I will support him as he needs it- without my ego getting in the way. I've asked him to let me know when he feels this pattern returning. It was a good talk. I shared some of the "rat pack"article ideas with him. I told him that it will be important to find a place to live and work that makes him feel accepted and allows him to blossom. It was good. Thanks for the connection direction this week. It's helped me to see what's going on.

We are supposed to get up to a foot of snow in the next 36 hours. Looks like a day or two at home. I love snow days…

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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