Monday, January 26, 2015

A belonging place


I see myself in your description of FOMO…
and I see the lie in that.
When I am overwhelmed…
at war with myself or others…
I find escape on my computer.
When husband and I were trying to separate I played solitaire constantly…
or watched the weather channel.
I'm such a nerd.
But the result of those choices was isolation.
Looking back at the last month I've spent more time on social media than ever before.
I find myself disappointed that more people aren't posting interesting things.
I search Pinterest for life altering quotes.
I am looking for direction outside myself instead of within.
Maybe that message from yesterday was also meant for me, "A quiet mind hears the inner voice"

I found myself quite scattered this morning, and realize I've been unable to settle for this past month as well. I've been consumed by worry. I am like Grandma.
I hope that by noticing the patterns I can re-establish quiet and peace within.

I saw my healer yesterday. It had been over a month. She told me that I am carrying a lot of frustration in my kidneys, that I need to drink more water, and that my hips and knees are getting overwhelmed from carrying it all. She also saw my youngest. He loves seeing her. He told me that this healer and the psychologist he is seeing are really helping him. I was so glad to hear that. The psychologist is a little unconventional- you would like her. I think it makes her more approachable for my son. It was good to hear that from him. He and I had a good, long talk on the drive home.

I shared the addiction article with husband, my older son, and two of my favorite people at Anasazi. If anyone creates a "rat park" it is Anasazi. The problem, that I've seen, is that they eventually return to their original homes; the places that did not serve them and enabled the addictive behaviors to occur. It is our job, as parents, to work to change that environment into a more nurturing environment, a place of belonging and connection. That is my new goal. To create the belonging place. When my youngest came home from Arizona I asked my daughter to create a poster that said, "Welcome to your belonging place". It is up in his bedroom. I may bring it down for all to see. Maybe that's a reminder I need everyday.

Thanks for giving me a belonging place, here with you daily.
Love and Light beautiful sister,

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