Monday, January 5, 2015

Back to life, back to reality


I love the quotes…
the fear of the Lord sentiment is based on the assumptions of her time…
Holy Fear has been replaced by admiration and respect…
I used to argue with our parish nun about Holy Fear and how no one can be coerced into love…
It was my belief that the Creator is love and seeks only love…
so fear is not a part of the equation.
She was a woman who I feared at first, but came to respect and care for.

I am being tapped to do several things at Meeting that seem small…
but have the potential to snowball.
I have to maintain my boundaries and remember to say no at times.
I have been asked to deliver opening exercises next week…
on behalf of the Environmental Concerns committee.
I have no idea what I'm going to bring…
any inspiration?

It was unseasonably warm yesterday and through the night there was strong wind that has brought more seasonable temperatures…
and snow flurries.
I love to watch it snow.

Back to life, back to reality…
today is the first day back to school for my boys. It is good to get back into a routine. We all respond better to structured schedules in this house. My youngest is still virtual schooling unit 1/20 when he will enroll at the local parochial high school. They are allowing him to attend, fully aware of why he was suspended from the previous HS. He has to sign a contract of behavioral expectations and consequences for breaking the agreements. He is really motivated to get back into a real school setting I believe he will abide by this contract. He started a job at a friend's restaurant, washing dishes, this past weekend. He was exhausted but loved making his own money. I've insisted that my older son have a job by the end of January to repay a debt he owes us. I've tried suggesting, cajoling, even pushing him to work. Now I've given him a deadline. I hope this works.

My daughter#2 is at a theater festival for college students. She is performing and interviewing for internships and jobs for after graduation. She is a very highly motivated actress. My oldest is looking at internship/masters programs for nutrition. She is frustrated that none have the focus that she really wants, health and wellness. It's amazing that the world is obsessed with health and wellness and the dietetic internships are still focused on illness and clinical experience.

I have to work on a presentation I'm giving Wednesday on ethical considerations in genetics. I will check in tomorrow.

Love and Light,

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