Monday, August 26, 2013

The first day of school

The first day of school.
I just finished my introduction to my class.
I always wonder what they must think of me...hearing and seeing me for the first time.
I try to be upbeat and open with them, encouraging them to explore whatever we are talking about.
I started out by telling them that they are a mind, body and spirit and that to maintain health they must work on a balance of all of these aspects. I like to set the tone that this isn't an ordinary health class.

I describe the course, with an emphasis on healthy choices based upon factual information as the goal.
I tried to get a feel for how much background they have much remediation I will have to do. I also explain that the evaluations of their work will be democratically decided upon...hopefully with consensus instead of majority rule. They decide project or exam...paper, poster board, something creative to demonstrate their understanding.

I am not sure how much they heard...
they looked like deer in the headlights...
most couldn't formulate questions...
or weren't awake enough to do so.
Oh well, I have them again on Wednesday...
we'll see how many I have lost or gained.
Usually after the first class there is a scramble to move to a "better" professor by some students. They get a feel for the profs and then talk with their friends...switching to improve their lot.
We will see.

I don't remember packing/carrying lunch when I was in school. I probably got a hand-me-down lunch box so it doesn't register in my memory banks.

This morning S#1 became responsible for transporting S#2 to high school. It was comical hearing him threaten, "If you are not in the car by 7:30 I am leaving without you!" What a wonderful tradition we have established...I have said that many times, D#1 threatened S#1 in the same manner, and now it is repeated yet again. D#2 went to a different school so she bypassed that all together...lucky girl. S#2 was so anxious about high school that the got up this morning early enough to do 30 minutes of "insanity" (a workout) and run 2 miles. I hope that he is OK today. He reminded me how he cried the first day of middle school because his homeroom teacher tried to intimidate them with a "bad ass" speech. I asked S#1 to help him...but all I got in reply was a smirk.

I am going to be a good mom and bake them chocolate chip cookies for their return. It is another tradition that we've established. At least I can make an effort on the first day.

I love you,
Blessings and Peace,

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