Thursday, August 22, 2013

bless and release the pain

I do believe that religion has subverted suffering to control the masses.
It is glorified in martyrdom,
threatened to keep us in line with eternal damnation in hell.
What a confusing pack of ideas.

I think that we have held onto a lot of our pain and hurt and shame from childhood, which has caused us to suffer. I believe that we need to release those experiences to release ourselves from the hold that they have on our lives.
Depression comes from living in the past, anxiety from living in the future.
Even in the depression that I have experienced...if I hadn't clung to the negativity of my mood so tenaciously I would have fared much better. Not that I would not have experienced a depressed mood, but it would not have rooted itself so deeply in my life that I am still digging out.
At least I have the strength to dig.

So I will acknowledge the frustration, pain and grief and do as you suggest...bless them and release them. That will be a path to contentment.

I also believe that poverty by today's definition is nothing like it was when the scriptures were written. Trusting in the abundance of the universe meant that you needed to hoard nothing.
Today we hoard everything...and still fear that we will want. I am as guilty of this as the next person.

I am learning the lesson of waiting upon the universe to manifest...I am still waiting for the right job to open. I learned today that I did not get the public policy job that I had interviewed for. I am really disappointed. I know the woman who is taking the job, I really like her, so I can't be too upset. I just hate uncertainty...and then I realize what a ridiculous statement that is...there really is no certainty in this world.

I will continue to look...and persevere.

Love and Light,

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