Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Again with the vultures

I was  outside walking the baby, this afternoon.  We visit all of the trees in the yard.  And the flowers.  It calms her quickly.  Since she's not much of a conversationalist, I was thinking about this flow.  I was thinking about taking the next steps into myself - I'm still feeling inspired by the Chopra quote you shared.  I was feeling like we have a greater purpose, almost a soul contract to do...something.  I sat on the swing in the driveway, with my granddaughter on my lap, and looked at the sky when a vulture caught my eye.  It circled higher and higher, never moving its wings - just catching the updrafts and flowing with the energy.  I thought,  "It should be that easy.  We should be able to soar effortlessly into what we're supposed to be doing."  Then I started self doubting, and whining, spiritually, complaining internally about how hard life can be.

I was watching the vulture when I saw another climb the breeze and join the one I was watching...then there was a third, then four more joined them, and I was watching seven vultures sky writing - just for me.  My daughter came home, and then there was just one.  And I noticed that the cloud formations were completely different.

My daughter has been reading a lot about attachment parenting.  In my day, we thought the best way to conquer tantrums was to ignore them.  If the toddler didn't get what was demanded, they would calm down and learn self-discipline.  My daughter just read an article that says when I small child is really losing it, they need support.  Parents should not just give the child anything they want, but when the child feels especially frustrated, they should not be abandoned, left alone to self-soothe.

I was thinking about the whining, critical voices in the back of our minds.  Is this an unfulfilled toddler who was ignored?  Who still has something to say?  What if we acknowledge and love that voice, soothe it and let it know we are not alone...sounds a bit schizophrenic, but I think you know what I mean.  And upon rereading, what about the ego?  Can recognition be the path to balance?

My daughter was with me when clothes shopping, but she was looking for some work clothes, and we were juggling the babe.  If I hate something, I don't let anyone else see it.  And I hated everything I tried on.

Almost at the end of my day...

Love you!!!


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