Sunday, August 25, 2013

bits-n-pieces of thoughts

I'm so glad you "got it."  I knew what I meant about feeling like the Earth, like being on that fine line between health and disease.  But I didn't know if I was making sense.

So many times I have felt like we are a strain of bacteria infecting the body of the Earth.  But then as I read about our bodies, and I realize more and more that we are conglomerates of bacteria,  I have begun wondering which species we are to the Earth's body  --  or if we are even all the same species...

Who will survive?  I have often thought it would be the people who know how to live in balance with the Earth.  How do we eat, drink, heal without taking more than their fair share.  I would guess that includes few of us in the US!

We have another week and a half before school begins here.  It doesn't make much difference in my life anymore though.  What kind of lunch box did you buy?  Do you remember how we used to beg for and fight over lunch boxes featuring television characters?

Holding a sleeping baby today, and grabbed a nearby book.  It is about feminine shamanism, suggesting that most of the first shamen were female.  Then my daughter asked to watch an old rerun of the Cosby Show to help her unwind before bed.  In the show, the women were talking, comparing stories, and calling the men to face up to some of what they had done. The men were humorously fearful and obedient.  I was wondering if part of the problems with racism in this country come from a need to stomp out powerful women.

Wandering thoughts at the end of a long weekend.

Talked to Mom today.  So far, they like their new neighborhood.

Off to bed with me.  Sweet dreams sister!


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