Saturday, August 3, 2013

I am or We are?

Surrendering is a message I am getting from several sources recently, so I better pay attention.

Surrendering is a path to freedom.
It is a path to peace.
It is not loss...
it is gaining everything because the surrender that matters most is the surrender of the ego to the eternal, collective soul.
So why is that so terrifying?
Why do I cling to my separate, ego-driven image that I believe in and project for others to know?
Why can't I see the power and grace of letting all of that go, and just allowing the energy to work through me?

"Make me a channel of your peace" 
St. Frances was correct...a open, unobstructed conduit through which the energy flows. Can we be a channel by ourselves?

This was my morning meditation:
I recently read that "we are" is a more powerful statement than "I am".
I have always resonated with "I am" because it is opens all possibilities.
After reading about the power of "we are" my thoughts changed and I believed that together we are stronger than alone. I still believe that, but this morning I was meditating and realized that, if we are connected at the level of a universal soul, we are only one...that takes me back to "I am".

So, to surrender to the whole opens up abundance and grace that exists at that level.
It comes back to connection...
which must be the antidote to violence.
We've personally seen the effects of disconnect and dysfunction in our family of origin...

We are preparing for vacation soon.
The fighting and bickering has begun about who is taking friends and who is sleeping where...
I sometimes wonder if it is all worth the effort.

Love and Light,

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