Thursday, August 29, 2013

An new opportunity

Well, if I cannot control letting go then what will I do???
Actually I laughed when I read your sentence about willing the release...of course I am comfortable when I choose to let go...rather than just opening and waiting.
That is what I am open and be receptive as well as giving.

I accepted a part-time job today. I am disappointed that it is very part time (20 hours per month), but I am intrigued by the potential of the position. It is for the agency that I interned with. They have asked me to write a monthly article for the newsletter on topics that interest me dealing with any aspect of social work. I will also have a current affairs blog on the website and will assist professionals around the state in social justice advocacy projects. They also want me to design and present continuing education programs for professionals. I am being asked to do all of the things that I enjoy...but am being compensated very little for it. I have always said that the more meaningful the work the less I need to be paid, so I will just have to make this really meaningful.
I told them that I want to be part of a collaborative team...that I don't want to be just sitting at home independently writing. They are going to build some office time into the position, but most of it I can do from anywhere.
There are several bonuses with this arrangement: I can still teach at the local university. I can still be open to any other opportunities that may arise in the future. I can still do research if the current project ever gets published, and I also get to work with some of my favorite people in the profession.
Now I have to develop my voice and choose topics to research and write about...

I think that your practice of considering what our father would do in a situation and then choosing otherwise is a solid one. I think that many people follow or avoid the lead that is set by their parents and families. Those that think generally pick and choose from previous examples set by family...while those that react tend to repeat the past...for better or worse.

I will check in tomorrow...I have to run to a meeting.
Love and Light,

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