Sunday, August 25, 2013

back to school

Your empathy for the world shows in your lifestyle and choices.
I do recognize that fine line between health and disease...
and we humans continue to push hard against those boundaries.
We consume too much and then wonder why we are not well.
Our earth is changing...
it is manifesting the consequences of overconsumption...
and we humans and most mammals will be the hardest hit.
We are moving towards another mass extinction...
some species will survive...
particularly the plants which will eventually rebalance the atmosphere and allow more evolved forms of mammals to emerge.
I wonder if there aren't humans who have silent genes that will allow them to survive or thrive on less oxygen and different environmental factors...then those "fittest" will reproduce and thrive. Can you tell I begin teaching again tomorrow morning..I have my science brain turned on again.

I spoke with several friends at Meeting this morning...
it was good to see them again.
Our meeting community splits for the summer with about two thirds going to a very old meeting house nearer to my home and the rest going to the city meeting house. It is a wonderful change of pace, but I miss seeing friends. It makes me realize how important community really is.

Everyone goes back to school tomorrow. We will be back on the daily schedule...the hardest part of that is going to sleep and waking up on time. This morning I made a list of all of the activities that I could do with my free time, until I get a job. It was good to physically see how much I have in my is amazing how much I have neglected for the past 3 years.

I have to go buy a lunch box for the youngest...
Until tomorrow,

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