Thursday, February 28, 2013

Identify the roots

I think a safe dating workshop or curricula would be ideal.  It is a fascinating subject for teenagers, and even adults who are not so good at dating.  The interest, the passion, the wonder is already there.  Make it exciting and correct and reputation will take it where it needs to go.  Humans tend to be followers.

The infighting is an example of competition, I think.  We need to introduce Me, too to lead the way to cooperation.

I have had a leading to write about violence, about the roots of violence.  I would like to talk to you about my thoughts, rather than write them here.  I still need help identifying terms or impulses or something.  I bounced my ideas off of an AVP Friend, who didn't quite understand what I meant.  But what I am thinking is that we could define violence then show the commonality in each situation.  There are levels of violence, yet when we live in a violent society, it's hard to recognize it.  Why was it okay for Dad to tell us we were fat and stupid?  Because that's what dads do.  We need to be able to point to one moment, one word, one attitude and say - There it is, that is the moment, that is the seed, or the root. 

Then we could take examples of each type of violence.  I have a young friend whose parents separated and divided her between two homes.  She was sexually abused at three different ages, by the babysitter's son, and by family members of the step-father.  She screamed and kicked and tried to get away when they were going to visit, but no one ever asked what was wrong.  She wants to tell the story from her perspective.  The violence is easily identifiable in her situation, but there are other cases where it is harder.

I just watched an episode of a current TV program where a girl was raped and didn't tell anyone.  I understand.  We don't identify the violence, instead we are ashamed and wondering why we deserved it.  What could help young women in this situation?

What do you think?

My youngest has a sinus infection and had me up in the middle of the night because she felt so bad.  I have a headache and have been feeling a little feverish.  I think that is why I was so complicated last night.  I couldn't think straight.  I had wild-fever dreams interspersed with waking confusion all night.  Our grandmothers were there.  Grammy was a seal, Grandmom was a ruffed grouse.  Pop was a monkey-hornet, and Grampa Smoke was an otter.  I think I am just a little crazy!!!



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