Monday, February 11, 2013

silence and ignorance hurt more

There were positive points to the critiques...that I tackled alot of difficult material...that was the main observation...but they didn't see the connection that I was trying to make about the importance of understanding that biography becomes biology (Caroline Myss). I am going to approach my Friend and ask him to collaborate, after I get over my disappointment.
I have asked most of my professors to help me with my help me to be more concise and focused...and for the most part they just give me vague comments and an A and I am no better off than before.
We do have a book in our future...
But I am counting on your skills to make it readable...
the one review noted that I need to learn the proper use of colons and semicolons...that's never been a real priority for me...just saying...

I am glad that you danced.
I love to contra dance...we have one every spring at the weekend quarterly retreat...
it's freeing to twirl and laugh and just let go for a little while.

So your youngest doesn't want to have this dysfunction and abuse in her extended family?
I think that she will come to understand it...
I hope that as she does it will become clear the reason to talk and write about it.
When I think about speaking publicly about abuse I wonder what the consequences would be for the rest of the family...will it hurt them if I am honest?
But then I realize that by not speaking up others, many others, are hurt...
and that abuse continues to fester.
I have come to believe that secrecy and ignorance hurt more than speaking the truth.
I have come across a preventive program for domestic violence that really addresses all types of interpersonal's called PeaceWorks is K - 12 lessons about respect...nonviolent conflict resolution...healthy looks good.
Imagine if we were able to deliver that to developing minds...even the ones who see violence at home might be able to identify it as abnormal...and not be so scarred from it....or be able to reach out for help if they are experiencing violence.

The 'fat' obsession is intriguing...I hadn't thought of jealousy from one generation to another...but you may be right.

All for now...
I love you,

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