Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My mind is going to a very complicated place.  I am wondering if there is a trinity for each chakra.  Or if three or four sets of trinities swirl up around our being.  I don't think I can go that deep right now.  I haven't been getting enough sleep.  I have been awake at night, thinking.  It might be because we just had a full moon.  Or it might be the work we are doing here.

I do like trinities.  I thought of Reduce - Reuse - Recycle and the arrows leading one into the other.  I think our trinity selves are kind of like that - blending into the next, making it all stronger and making us more stable.

I have a very dear old friend that I met while protesting the siting of a nuclear dump.  She is in her 90's now, and she has been like a second, well third grandma, to my kids.  We were visiting her one day, and she had another friend there, a Basque woman.  That woman was a retired professor of languages.  For her retirement project, she was tracing words from western languages and trying to isolate the original language.  She had found that the roots were in the Caucasus Mountains.  I wonder of it's possible to do the same with religion.  I don't think the point of origin is possible as much as the commonalities of all religions.  This might take us to a truth.  And that truth is pre-Biblical I expect.

Again, I am being complicated. 

I think I will go work on dinner.  I am baking spinach in a cheese and egg mixture.  My oldest son loved this dish when he was little...

I love you...I hope you are making more sense than me today!


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