Saturday, May 17, 2014


The more I think about it, the more certain I am that we are supposed to be passionate about our vessels, as well as equally passionate about our larger, shared, planetary home. We are supposed to love and cherish - you chose a perfect word.  I don't think we are supposed to be vain, though.  It's not about look at me - it's about play with me, sing with me, dance with me. I think vanity is about not loving yourself, not trusting yourself, not thinking you are good enough, trying to maintain some unreal standard of beauty.  It really has nothing to do with self-love.

I have seen the photo of the tattooed "bra" - and it is beautiful.  I  would be tempted to do something like that, if I could come up with a design that really spoke to me.  I was imagining it, and trying on the discomfort of no longer having breasts.  I had a silly moment of imagining owning a selection of breasts - a drawer full of everything from Dolly Parton-esque to not much.  Pick a pair to match moods or costume.

But mostly I was not feeling silly. I was uncomfortable and nervous. And for me, it was all academic.  I don't have to make this kind of decision. I can't really put myself in your shoes, no matter how hard I try.  I can't lift any of this away from you, no matter what I try.

The reason I don't practice Buddhism is the detachment, the going inside self to a place of quiet and solitude to find peace.  That is easy. To be Quaker means to go into the silence to find others - to join - to be part of a community - that is the true meeting. Then we have the joy-filled, but uncomfortable task of finding that peace together.

A friend stopped by today and gifted me with flowers and herbs for the garden.  I am itching to plant.  I also had the three local grandkids today.  Two sat in an ant hill while we planted another bed of potatoes.  We planted red, white and blue spuds.  We agreed that on Labor Day we will make a patriotic potato salad.

Your boobs are much better than mine.  Gravity has been kinder!  I don't even remember 20s and 30s any more!

I hope you had a  green day!

Love and hugs from Clare

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