Thursday, October 11, 2012

Questions...I feel like a 2 year old

I am attending a Social Worker's conference. I had the opportunity to show my research from last year in a poster and discuss the findings with many people. It was really good to talk of respecting children and accepting them as they are in their unique wondrous way...without labels.
I had several very interesting was with an energy psychologist...using a combination of psychotherapy and energy medicine techniques to help people heal. The other was with a psychotherapist who agreed that human behavior and thought are complex and cannot be simplified to change your behavior and feel better.
I had more people ask me about my career choices than my research though...They were intrigued by my pursuit of an MSW when I had an  MD.

The dualities that you were thinking about...lover/beloved...prisoner/jailer...victim/perpetrator...
it strikes me that we are capable of both of these at any point in our lives...
we can be either or both in situations...and sometimes we fluctuate between them at the same time.
We all have shadow sides...and Light...the shadow depends upon the Light being present...
I am not sure where that is going...I guess I am trying to offer acceptance and compassion to the shadow components of my self...rather than berate and belittle myself for those aspects...try to understand them and the lessons that they hold for me.

What will it take to end isolation?
What will surrender or opening look like?
What will self love and acceptance feel like?
If you woke up tomorrow, freed from all of the negativity...what would that feel or look like?
I wonder how I will know when I am healed?
Will I rip off the band aid and the scars will be well healed?
Is there an end point to healing...or does it just flow into growth and self-actualization (Jung's term,  not mine)?
My wise friend seems to think that I can access much deeper stuff...and fully heal...but there's no road map...she told me to look deeply and find the way.
I just wish it were that easy...I think that's why the psychic sounds interesting...have someone else supply a missing piece...but, do I have to access this myself...or with  you? Community...working beyond myself is an important component to this...I feel that strongly...but how restricted or extended is that healing community.
I am going to sleep on that...perhaps I will have a dream...I was dreaming of a classroom setting last night...I can't recall the details, but it was a classroom with active people in it.

I love you...

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