Friday, October 5, 2012


Etymology of the Word God:
The root-meaning of the name (from Gothic root gheu; Sanskrit hub or emu, "to invoke or to sacrifice to") is either "the one invoked" or "the one sacrificed to." From different Indo-Germanic roots (div, "to shine" or "give light"; thes in thessasthai "to implore") come the Indo-Iranian deva, Sanskrit dyaus (gen. divas), Latin deus, Greek theos, Irish and Gaelic dia, all of which are generic names; also Greek Zeus (gen. Dios, Latin Jupiter (jovpater), Old Teutonic Tiu or Tiw (surviving in Tuesday), Latin Janus, Diana, and other proper names of pagan deities. The common name most widely used in Semitic occurs as 'el in Hebrew, 'ilu in Babylonian, 'ilah in Arabic, etc.; and though scholars are not agreed on the point, the root-meaning most probably is "the strong or mighty one."
(The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia)

divine (adj.) Look up divine at
c.1300, from O.Fr. devin (12c.), from L. divinus "of a god," from divus "a god," related to deus "god, deity" (see Zeus). Weakened sense of "excellent" had evolved by late 15c.
divine (v.) Look up divine at
"to conjure, to guess," originally "to make out by supernatural insight," mid-14c., from O.Fr. deviner, from V.L. *devinare, dissimilated from *divinare, from L. divinus (see divine (adj.)), which also meant "soothsayer." Related: Divined; diviner; divining. Divining rod (or wand) attested from 1650s.
divine (n.) Look up divine at
c.1300, "soothsayer," from O.Fr. devin, from L. divinus (adj.); see divine (adj.). Meaning "ecclesiastic, theologian" is from late 14c.

The Dark Night of the Soul speaks of the lover searching out the beloved... (maggie delana)

How can we possibly see the Divinity around us when we are unable to see the Divinity in our selves?
(clare delana)


I hope you don't mind the etymology.  This helps me think.  I love language, and I have the best time playing with words.  But I also see deeper meanings in what we say.  I think sometimes we use words and have no idea of the significance.

I read your last thoughts earlier, then had a long work day...made longer by my lack of impetus.  I seem to be frozen, or at least crawling slow.  But something has been niggling at my brain all day.  I am not sure if I am capable of expressing myself clearly, but I am going to try.  It will probably take more time to actually conceptualize, but I have time, and I am moving slow!

I have long been aware that we have been messed with, as a species.  We have been damaged.  I have been trying to understand the damage, and the best I could get is that there is a break between our yellow and green chakras, trapping us in will, and blocking our way into our own hearts.  That is why we own each other rather than trust and bless each other.  It is why we own the Earth.  Because we don't trust.  Something happens to come between us and the Light that should be within.  And then we lose faith.

The initial damage is that slicing soul from self.  To hide the Divine self from the human self.  And we spend our lives in pain trying to find divinity.  Why does it hurt so much to know that we are looking for self?  Why are we so frightened of ourselves?  Why can't I understand that this lifetime has been a dark night and that I am the lover and the beloved?  I want some man, some other, someone outside of me to recognize my value and come and complete me.  I am supposed to complete myself.  The answer is within, yet I am petrified (literally), terrified of looking within.  I am so convinced that it is going to be gross.  So many of us have that underlying feeling that if anyone else knew how bad, how unworthy we are, everyone would know we are unloveable.  What if we look inside and see magnificence?

We are all so hurt and damaged, we lash out at each other, at our perfect, divine children and lock them in yellow chakra, longing for family, longing for self.  We unwittingly maintain the deception.

div, "to shine" or "give light";
This hit me the hardest. If I am one with the Divine then I am the Light.  I am not just someone deemed worthy of displaying Light, but I am one with those stars that are emanating Light throughout the Universe - the Light we don't see because we don't let ourselves reflect it.

Why does it hurt so much to know we are one with the Universe, we are one with Creation?  Why do we take so much pleasure in the pain of being separate?

And how does it happen?  How does Divine split from human as we arrive here?

I am lost in questions, and a bit afraid of what I have written.

Bravely,  Clare

PS (a few hours later) Just saw a list of suggestions - things one could journal about.  One was love.  What if we/I journaled daily about the things that are loveable about me.  The thought makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and arrogant - Who do you think you are!!

Maybe I should.......

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