Friday, October 19, 2012

And Now...For Something Completely Different

(Or Clare goes on a tangent...)

I had a conversation with someone today and the premise was:  If there was a vaccine for HIV, would you get it?

I thought that the fear of HIV was the reason so many people practiced safe sex now.   I thought maybe if people lost their fear of AIDS, they would stop using condoms and we would suddenly have a massive rise in the number of cases of syphilis and gonorrhea and even more pregnancies...

I got lost in an image of condoms and was suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that we don't touch each other.   Ever.  If we can help it.  We always keep a protective layer around ourselves.  Then it deepened into an understanding of how sick and damaged we all are.  I felt like our species was frail and weakening and it seemed hopeless.  All the physical damage, all the emotional and psychological damage, it just seemed like too much.  We've got to change or we won't survive...

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