Tuesday, October 16, 2012


water is liquid light...at a slower vibration.
Slow enough to totally engulf me and cleanse...
The dream is intriguing...
I also had a persistent thought about gypsies this past weekend...
someone said something that reminded me of Dad telling me that wearing earring made me look like a gypsy...it was meant to be an insult...to make me remove them right away...who would want to be a gypsy? I am not sure why, but I did take the earrings out...I can't remember if there were additional threats or not.

I wonder what the significance is?
Living outside of the 'norm'?
Daring to boldly be true to their heritage?
That all sounds healthy and whole to me...

I want to go deep again...to really shine the Light deeply into the corners and see, once and for all, what hides there.
Do you have any more memories?
Is there anything else that is nagging at you that might be a key?
I would like to do this work without the help of psychics or hypnosis...2 options that I have been considering...but I just can't find the opening...the spring that feeds the swamp...

I am searching my brain for an opening...it's like I am floating on the surface, unable to submerge myself...
and I think that I should be searching my heart...
but I am not sure how to access that on demand...
I have always been plunged into my heart by outside circumstances and have done some work while it was open...
how do I consciously access that part of me?

I believe that I will sit in the quiet for a while and just be.
I have the house to myself  (and my animals) for about 30 minutes...
perhaps I can sink into my heart...a little.

Love and shalom,

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