Sunday, June 19, 2016

we did it

Hi Maggoe,

We did it. We completed the 5k.  My granddaughter and I were dead last.  We were so last no one was really waiting for laggers any more.  We were so last, that we cheated and cut the last couple hundred steps, because my granddaughter could see where her mama was, and she was ready to be absolutely done.

It was so hot, and because the jogging stroller would not fit in the trunk, we had the umbrella stroller. Never again!  We were on roads, easy, on grass - no so easy, on rough sidewalks, and on a trail in the forest, where at one point the front wheels were at 180 degree opposition.

She walked some of the way, she got out when we were at the top and  rolled down a grassy hill, she cried, and we stopped and sat on a bench under a tree until she was calm and ready to finish.  She was hot but refused to wear her sun hat or effect, she was a perfect toddler!

But we did it.

And we felt maybe it would be fun to do more, and to do more training. I am willing to take the jogging stroller and be at the back of the crowds. No problem.

My son checked in, because he never saw me come in. I told him we made it, and that next year our goal was to be next-to-the-last!

Thank you for sponsoring us. S#3 and B#1 also made contributions. I was so thrilled.

I'll be profound tomorrw. Maybe...Today I'm just plain old hot!

Love and hugs from Clare

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