Tuesday, June 7, 2016

impractical vacation


I'm coming off a 3 day headache…
less pain but still in a fog.
I am really short tempered…
probably PMSing.

Anyway my youngest is pushing hard…
cursing at me…
threatening to not come home.
We keep cycling…
he comes back to the derogatory, insulting kid every two or three days.
His car needs to be serviced so he cannot drive right now…
talk about poor timing.
He is just so tense…
but it makes me even more tense.

Tomorrow we visit the psychiatrist to see what her recommendations are. I am anxiously awaiting her impressions. I hope that she can get us all to 'buy into' her evaluation and recommendations. I'm worried that he is going to hurt himself or another person before he grows up.
I am a worrier.
I am also a warrior…

So I am still in a power struggle at work…
not really a power struggle…
more like my boss doesn't want to give up her turf- but she really wants to retire.
I am so confused about how to work without criticism…
she is critical each time I suggest or do something…
and then eventually decides it is a good idea.
I hate this uncertainty.
I just want to do my job and find some satisfaction.

I am asking the young men's mother to help me to connect. I know it's going to be an effort  to build the trust and relationship. I just wish I had a foothold.

I realized yesterday that it is too late to return/exchange your gold birthday shoes. S#3 has not yet brought them to me. She hasn't communicated with me since your party. I texted her last night and she was apologetic that she hadn't gotten them to me. I have to figure out an alternative plan. I'll keep you posted. Sorry.

I need a vacation…
a serious time away by myself…
organic food…
good wine…
adequate sleep.
It sounds wonderful…
but not practical.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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