Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Hi Maggie,

One of mine has noticed SAD comes a'knocking every winter.  I wonder if it is Vitamin D deficiency as much as anything else.  But it is also disconnect from Nature.  I know I get heartsick, followed by body sick, if I don't go outside.  I need to see the trees, to feel them, to breathe in their breath.

It is good when we notice patterns. That is when we have the wisdom to do something break the pattern.

I'm wondering if you felt like your son was alone and in the dark, because you feel alone and in the dark. You raised him well.  He had Light and community.  Life just cracks sometimes and falls apart.  But that is a sign that something new is getting ready to break through.  Chaos used to scare the hell out of me.  But now I relax. I have learned that in chaos, all choices are possible. And once we make a choice, then chaos lessens until it seems we have life under control. And when we're feeling that, we all know what comes next - chaos.

I had a crazy thought in response to "Stop this merry-go-round. I want to get off!"  What if we all just got on with you?

Just a wild and random thought...

Reiki Party in October...all Delana girls invited!!


So an eclipse occurred and nothing big happened...I think.  No big realizations, no secrets revealed. At least not yet.

A client complained about my work and I heard about it today.  My manager seems relatively unconcerned - it's only the second or third time in nine years.  But I noticed I became anal trying to remember/recover details.  I am wondering why I have such a deep need to be good. How deep is this crap, this need for approval from without?  I'm starting to magnify lots of little things and create a drama in my brain.

Child of alcoholism!

How deep is this? And how do I gently prune this part and chip it up for fertilizer for the parts of self I want to nurture?

Lost in thoughts...

Love and hugs from Clare

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