Sunday, March 20, 2016


Hi Maggie,

It's real fun living inside my head. Sometimes it is more fun in here, than out there.  That sounds about as bad as it is!

I don't know if I ever wrote about this before, but if I have chalk it up to a senior moment. When having problems with my body, most specifically my gall bladder, I learned to send love to the organ. I opened my heart chakra and beamed energy to different places in my body, while thinking about how much I loved my body, my systems, and that organ.   It was a very effective healing technique.

But then I had that aha moment.  I realized that I was treating me the way my ex treated me.  Using the words and energy of love, but not really following through.  So although being aware and appreciative of my gall bladder was remedial, I needed more. I needed to revamp parts of my diet and to drink more water, and to take certain herbs.

I still have my gall bladder, and it is functioning well these days. A friend who had to have hers removed said the gall bladder is the seat of resentment, and it was not enough to have the organ removed. She also had to look at her resentment and how it affected her whole life.

So maybe, send love and appreciation to your bowel.

I think lots of us are morphing right now. We can't avoid it. It is time...Well, I suppose we can hide...

How did the breast talk go?

I remember when my third was born, and he had the surgery, and the craziness of his first months...A friend came every morning to pick up  my oldest for nursery school. But it was okay, because the year before I had gone out of my way to pick up someone else's son every morning.  I did it because she needed help.  There was no reward of any type, except friendship.  And so the next year when another friend volunteered to get my child, I knew it was karma. You do something kind because it begets more kindness- sometimes for you, sometimes for someone else, but what is most important is that the Earth is a kinder place to be.

You rescue horses, I rescue dogs because it helps.  You step into that stream of love and it bathes you on many levels.  That is the payment.

Yeah, and probably in some past life your young man did something extremely kind for you. He was probably someone amazing!  Just like you are now.

Your job sounds exciting.  Mine is the same old, same old...but it has its own perks!

Kinda cold, kinda tired...shower and bed for me!!

Love and hugs from Clare

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