Saturday, March 12, 2016

Celebrating life

Peace and Blessings…
Death is a sacred time.
One of my greatest privileges in life has been to sit with people at the time of death (and birth). It hasn't happened in a while but it is what I miss most about medicine. When I was a resident I had the opportunity to help families come to terms with the oncoming death. To share their last words. To give permission to the dying to let go. It amazed me how the sick will hold on if they believe someone still needs them alive. But that sense of being so close to the veil is astounding. I've considered doing hospice work- to have access to that sensation of peace and expansion. But, I realized that would a selfish endeavor, so I chose not to.
I will hold you in the Light through all of this.

We celebrated our oldest's birthday yesterday. We were celebrating LIFE.
She was home for 2 days. It is such a joy to have her visit. She brings energy to the house. She truly loves being here and it shows. It does my heart good to have that sense. We went to a fun, italian restaurant nearby. All of my children came along, except the youngest. He is still struggling and didn't feel up to it. My young man came along, but he was at times overwhelmed, and retreated to playing games on his phone from time to time.

I am worried about my youngest. He has been sharing some self-harming thoughts with me. Considering what the world would be like without him. Not wanting to engage in activities. We are seeing his counselor Monday and I've made an appointment with an adolescent psychiatrist in May (earliest available). He goes through this every year, but either it's worse this year, or he feels more comfortable sharing these thoughts now. Hold him in the Light, Please.

I have been practicing reiki every day this week. I've either flowed reiki to animals or family members. It seems to be flowing. I get a sense of energy in my hands while I am practicing. I had a strange reaction two nights ago. I was working on husband, as I got to his heart chakra I started to cough, choke really. I moved away. I moved back in and placed my hands above his chest and it happened again. It happened 3 times and I moved on from their- no more coughing or choking. I'm not sure what I tapped into. I will have to meditate on that and see if anything arises.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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