Monday, March 7, 2016



I'm glad you had a good time…
and laughed…
ans had massage…
this weekend.
Everyone needs to decompress every once in a while.

I had my Reiki attunement…
and then practiced reiki on some friends.
It was interesting.
Not quite as dramatic as I expected…
I kind of hoped for a spectacular wave of energy to overtake me…
then I'd know I was flowing Reiki.
I got a buzzing, itchy sensation in the backs of my thighs was I was being attuned.
I have a sense of energy as I scan with my hands…
but nothing dramatic.
I guess I have to tune into subtle energy shifts.
We all found out our Reiki guides' names and a little about them-
previously human souls who guide reiki practitioners from the other side.
I think I posse dine off though-
everyone else was getting very exotic guides…
Stephano, adeline, feather, etc…
mine's name is Melvin…
he was described as Captain Kangaroo-esque.
But he was a people doctor who also practiced on animals and used energy before it was popular.
So I am talking to him as I practice.
So far he is very quiet.
I did reiki on husband last night and 2 horses this afternoon.
I'm still trying to sense the subtleties.
By the time I see you I hope to be much better at this whole practice.
Reiki 2 is scheduled for late May.

My roller coaster life continues.
My youngest is going through a tough time…
many changes…
many challenges…
many choices.
He was talking about how negative everything seems to him…
and I was reminded of how grey and dark my life was when I was depressed. I think being able to offer him insight is helpful. Hearing his description of how dark the world is made me appreciate how far I've come out of that darkness. I hope he can see the Light as he travels through this tough time.

The new job is interesting, although I am seeing how diplomatic the position has to be. My boss has to juggle situations with a smile as she quickly analyzes the situation and determines the best next step. She is amazingly flexible- if something is suggested by another she allows consensus to determine the choice. I hope I can be that flexible…
I may just say, "Too bad, we had it planned this way. Maybe next year".
I will have to watch and learn the fine art of working well with people.
We have a youth summit this Thursday- it will be a lot of work, but I think a lot of fun too.

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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