Wednesday, March 23, 2016



And it sounds like you are having fun.  It's it exciting when life is interesting and there are so many new things to think about?

I was thinking about the tar.  I like the idea of the tar pits. Before you said that, I was thinking the sticky stuff was gunk from the swamp. But maybe it is something protective.

A friend sent me an article about adrenal fatigue and the effects on the other endocrine glands, and for some reason, it has inspired me. I have been having a lot of fun researching nutritional, herbal and lifestyle ways to support the adrenals, therefore the rest of the system, and therefore the rest of the body.

As I looked into foods providing trace minerals and vitamins and essential nutrients, I see my diet is pretty healthy.

But I gotta stop with the sugar. I do so today.  It is addictive for me.  I go for months without, then I think I can handle just a teensy bit.And I do, but the next day, I don't. It is exactly like an alcoholic who thinks they can have just one beer.

Someone I know was laughing about her addictions - all society approved. But I wear mine on my hips. 

So I'm going to go sit and come up with a plan. I want to love my body and feed and nurture it. I want to see if I can adapt my mind to this as being a gift, rather than triggering the addictive tantrum when denied comfort foods,  which really cause great discomfort.

Maybe this is part of saying yes...

And it's an eclipse night, so it's time for something to happen. Let's hope it is something good!

Love and hugs from Clare

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