Wednesday, November 4, 2015

movement is the secret


I have to tell you that just admitting that I fear insignificance has relieved neck pain I've had for several weeks. It's so strange how our bodies hold stress.

Thanks for the reflection to readjust my thoughts.

I will continue to struggle with this, on and off for my life…
I'm not sure I'll ever be satisfied with what I do…
I push myself really hard.
But, hearing that each little interaction makes a difference helps.

I think vanity is my weakness…
or one of my weaknesses...
worrying about how I look to the outside world is strong in me…
It's hard to be authentic when you're playing the role you expect the other person to want to find in you.
I thought I was beyond this…
maybe I am.
Maybe I am more concerned with my personal significance and sense of accomplishment than others' approval.
I'll have to think about that longer and deeper.

I'm learning so much from this trauma course…
mainly that the only way to heal trauma is through a physical means…
yoga, meditation, EMDR, neurofeedback, dance…
it's all about allowing the body to move…
most long standing trauma begins with the inability to fight or flee…
it is in the freeze and/or dissociate.
So the key to allowing it to be a past experience is found in movement.
It's why we're walking through the swamp.
I've got to explore this concept in my practice.
I want to be trained in all modalities and then pick and choose the best modality as people come for help.
I want to do a lot of things in this lifetime…

Love and Light beautiful sister,

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