Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Hi Maggie,

Could they have changed the world?  Mom and her siblings were bright and well educated, but they were also very mainstream.  You can't change the world by just doing more of the same old, same old.  You just make it more what it is...Maybe she was consoling herself for not living up to her potential, or for living her dreams, for not having courage...although the worst part might be that she taught us to be retiring, unsure.

And what is an IQ? It is a sign of being a good test taker.  There are so many gifts that are ignored...

I just want to bring this into perspective.

We read stories about people who solved great mysteries - like the structure of DNA, then someone else swooped in and got all the credit. Do you want to be the person who made the discovery?  Or are you more interested in public recognition?  Just asking...those always fun rhetorical questions.

You change everyone you touch, everyone you listen to.  It is important, and you are making a difference.  I often think about trying to turn an ocean liner around in a small bay.  There's a lot of back and forth with minute change each time - but always in the proper direction. No one is going to change the world.  We're all going to do it together!

We've talked about some of the themes of this blog becoming a book...and you have been doing so much with identifying the ways our physical selves maintain trauma....people need to know this.

I like these questions and thoughts combined with your admission of being scattered.  It always seems that in chaos, all things are possible. You are there now - anything is possible for you. It is uncomfortable, but it is so cool!

The young mother who is creeped out by breastfeeding did have two sons. But she is equally grossed out by my granddaughter, who still nurses.

I was awake in the middle of the night last night, but I got a message.  I am supposed to be using this time to hold the people I love best in the Light.  I am supposed to be loving them on a spiritual level, as a way of supporting them and reminding them that they are so very loveable. Last night was pretty powerful.  I'm kind of looking forward to not sleeping tonight!!  It sucks when the alarm goes off at 5:00 am, though.

I remember about 10 years ago, maybe, I went three nights without sleep, and had a major breakthrough in understanding healing.

Maybe this is a gift.

I know something is going on, because everything is making me cry.  I feel soft and gooey and vulnerable and wide open. Tonight Nephew and I went to look for the Northern Lights, which we did not see, although we each saw two meteors from the Taurids Shower.  As I was standing in the silence, in the dark, looking at the stars, I suddenly felt the Earth sliding.  I could feel the rotation of the planet. It was a profoundly gifty little moment!

So that is life here...

Hope you find your direction from all the possibilities presenting themselves now. I hope you chose the opportunities that bring you joy.

Love and hugs from Clare

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