Thursday, November 12, 2015


Hi Maggie,

Thanks for the sympathy.  I'm still feeling achy and exhausted.  But tomorrow is Friday...I thought it was going to be Thursday.  So the end is nearer than I dared hope! Nephew is sick, also...It's going around and we caught it!!  The baby was still off, a little crankier than usual today.  Next week!

I'm so glad your young friend will be able to join your for Thanksgiving.  I'm even happier that he is excited about it.  I think this is a good development.

You asked if you know enough for the book and NPO. Of course not. But you know how to learn and you have enough faith to work with what you have right now, knowing way will open.

If your student had problems with insomnia she should have come to you immediately. If it mattered, she would have addressed the problem immediately.  I wonder if she wants to be there, what she wants to do. I remember I struggled a lot when I began attending college. But I think that was mostly because I didn't want to go yet. I had decided I wanted to take time and see what life offered, then decide what I wanted to study. Instead I got ganged up on at a family reunion - Grammy, especially, saying I would waste my life if I didn't go to school.

I always told my kids that I didn't care if they were garbage men or brain surgeons, as long as they woke up each morning happy for what the day held.  And I added that they should not go to school until they knew what they wanted.  Otherwise, it is a very, very expensive exploration,

I had a talk with someone today about volunteerism and passion and wanting to change the world.  I always thought that changing the world, idealism, hope, a new vision - that was youth.  But this person noted volunteers over 50.  It's like the 60s live on, but are rapidly aging!  We were wondering where the kids are.  Do they still have hope, or has the violence inherent in our institutionalized lives dampened it right out of them.

While talking, I realized I do still have hope. I still believe we can change the world. And in fact, I feel it changing.

Bedtime for poor, almost-sick me!

Love and hugs from Clare

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