Friday, January 18, 2013

confusion and frustration

It is true, crystals do grow...
each has its own unique structure that it will form into...conform.
I never thought of rocks or crystals as being interactive with each other...I will have to think about this.

I understand competition...and the twist into negative Darwinian evolution...but the truth about evolution is more about being suited for an environment...about being flexible and adaptable to change or has nothing to do with being the best at has to do with fit...and being flexible enough to conform to changes...and then to make the most of new challenges.

Humans want an easy answer...
they want to believe that if I am superior in some aspect it is because I have some inherent strength...
God wants me to prevail...
what they don't realize is that today's strength is tomorrow's Achilles heel...
their downfall...
and it is generally because we stop trying to be flexible and just assume total superiority...
we just get lazy...
or until we've been traumatized so deeply that we shut most of our genome down just to protect ourselves.

I am so frustrated with human nature and yet at the same time in awe of the human spirit...
I hate the fact that people are fighting for assault weapons...but respect their strength and matter if it is misguided.
I had a friend tell me today that I should allow my kids to shoot assault weapons so that they could develop a respect and appreciation for them...Sorry I just can't buy into that bull shit...but I do respect his tenacity.

I really wonder where we are headed as a society...
where is the compassion and the rational thought?
Why are we so influenced by big business and brainwashed to believe that we will lose our liberty if we concede our assault weapons?
reactionary living...always wondering what bad stuff is going to get you next...the whole damned country is acting as if it has PTSD...hypervigilant and reactive to any threats, real or perceived...
Maybe that's the key...maybe we are experiencing societal PTSD. That's because we traumatize the land and each other on a regular basis.

sorry I am really tired...I will check in tomorrow to see if I am making any sense.

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