Sunday, June 15, 2014

No doctors this week!


I am getting to this late tonight. I went to Meeting, and then took my friend shopping while 3 of my kids took their dad to a terrible breakfast…
at least they were laughing about it…
my oldest found a fly floating in her water.

I made dinner for everyone except daughter#2 who had a show at 2.
So we ate, the boys fought a bit, and then dispersed to neutral corners.
Husband and I took a walk with the dogs and then drove to get frozen yogurt with daughter#2.
It was nice.
I did talk to our father…
he didn't have his hearing aid in so I had to yell…
and he still didn't hear much.
He told me that they are "on my side" and talk about me every day…
but they rarely talk to me.

your hallmark card writing is poignant…
it makes me laugh and cry a the same time…
it's laughable because it's so true…
but that's really sad.

So, I have a week of no doctor's appointments…
I am seeing my rieki healer as well as my massage therapist friend.
I should feel much better after those appointments.

I went out with a friend yesterday for lunch. We laughed and told stories for several hours. As I was driving home she called me, crying. She said that she feels so badly because we were laughing and she doesn't want me to think that she doesn't really care about the cancer. She is incredibly sweet and one of my closest friends- I told her that she has offered me more support than the majority of my family and I am eternally grateful. It was almost funny to hear her crying and apologizing. I don't think that I am pretending that this isn't really happening, I think it's good to maintain perspective about the journey. I am going to survive this- through better or worse- and I will be stronger than I was before.

I hope that you have a great week.
See you here tomorrow,

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