Tuesday, June 3, 2014

more challenges

I don't think times are good or bad…
I think how we perceive them determines that…
it is our attitude…
of course if someone dies we consider that bad…
until we conceive of their soul set free.

The green wood does have to age and mature…
it has to be prepared for the flame…
but all of that journey is about bringing it to those coals that smolder.

I am sorry that things were hectic at your house. I hope that my niece is doing better and that the GI bug has moved on.

Over the weekend husband was warming up the baseball team, hitting pop flies to the outfielders and he felt a "pop". His biceps tendon tore. He didn't say anything about it until after we got home and then he met a friend, an orthopedic surgeon, who felt it could wait until Monday. The MRI showed a full tear yesterday and today he had surgery. He is in a lot more pain than anticipated. He is quite groggy and is very restless. I've been up since 5 am, taking care of him since we got home at 11, and am about to drop. I am not sure what the universe is trying to tell me/us…but someone's sending a message and I need to figure it out. Maybe I'll ask my reiki friend.

I am going to try to just chill and help him to get comfortable. It's about time for the ice packs again.
Love and Light,

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